Hello and Welcome to EBBS Plus v1.97! Please note the Plus. It is there because this program is a MAJOR update of Ed Parry's EBBS-PC v1.45... You have many things to do before putting the program in use, but it IS highly configurable, so well worth the time and trouble.... Right off the bat, let me state that I'm not much of a doc writer! This program continues (hopefully!) in the tradition it's founder, Ed Parry, started: I.E. MINIMAL docs, and LOTS of abbreviated help files! It also leans toward being intuitive, so don't be suprised at default stuph popping up and finding that lo and behold, that was what you were just about to type! One of the big things that attracted me to EBBS to begin with was as a user: it was quick, simple, and just plain made sense... I've tried to continue that 'feel' even with the ton of extra stuph that I've added... It's even friendlier to the System Operator. LOTS of things that can be modified in the PLUSCFG.DAT file, and it's LOTS quicker to load that into an editor and do a FAST change than to dig through all the source code! Basically, your best bet is to just load the puppy up and logon! Try out the help menus and see what is there! I've always been a firm believer that if you needed a HUGE manual to make some program work, it was time to dump that prog and look around for another... Included in this archive are the .EXE files only. Registration is: $20 for REGISTERED EBBS-PC Sysops $60 for New folks. EBBS-128 and EBBS-64 users are considered new. For the registration fee, you recieve all the source code (written in QB 3.0) and the keyfile to 'unlock' all the features in the program. You are also entitled to access to my BBS, where you may DL the latest versions. At this time, I have NO plans to charge for future updates. Also included is Glen Jones' DOORS.EXE and assosiated files for your convenience... And another thing that's included is a GIF of myself... Look at it with a VGA or better monitor then think about asking me for new mods... (just kidding... Your comments and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome!) Legal Stuph [aka Disclaimer]: I ain't responsible! How's that? :) Seriously, though... BBS' excercize hardware to it's fullest. If you have ANYTHING in your hardware that is suspect (weak drive, CPU that overheats, etc) don't try to run this or any other BBS program until the problem is solved! Remember: BBS's must be able to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to be truly functional. If your system can't maintain this kind of use/abuse, don't bother to run a BBS until you have the system in a trustworty state! This program runs fine on every computer it's been installed. If your system is damaged in ANY way, I will NOT be responsible! This program is running currently on my beta testers BBS' (2 different 286-12mHz AT's, a 16mHz AT, and a 4.77 mHz XT) without a hitch caused by the software (other than bugs [grin]). Enough with the legal stuph... On with the fun! This document assumes you are already familiar with EBBS. If not, please make sure and read the EBBS-PC.TXT file as well. So, let's get started! Included in the package are 2 programs that will print the PLUSCFG.DAT and PLUSCFG.TXT files... Please take the time to do so! There are 60 fields in the first section alone that you will need to customize for your system, so having hardcopy is invaluable! Use PRNCFGDC.EXE to print the PLUSCFG.TXT file (entries are explained there) and PRNCONFG.EXE to print the PLUSCFG.DAT file... In the archive you will find all the necessary files you need to run the program with the exception of the following: GSZ or DSZ for transfers (Omen Technology) PKUNZIP (PKWare) SCAN (McAffee) These programs are widely available on BBS' throughout the world. I also keep them on my BBS, so if you can't find them anywhere else close to you, call The Murph Zone and snag 'em there. SCAN is optional, depending on what you enable or disable in the config file. A note about ANSI.SYS V NNANSIN.SYS and DVANSI.SYS: If you are using CGA or Mono, you MUST use ANSI.SYS! NNANSIN.SYS was made for EGA/VGA ONLY! If you HAVE EGA/VGA and are STILL having trouble with NNANSIN, try DVANSI.SYS as an alternative. EBBS and EBBS Plus both need a higher speed ANSI driver than that provided with MS-DOS when running in the EGA/VGA modes. Due to a wild urge to add a ton of stuph to the program, I modularized the program and have it configured into 14 separate chained programs: EBBSPLUS.EXE This file has the logon and new user app stuph in it. It ends at the [your BBS name here] Welcomes [username]!... DATABASE.EXE This program/feature available to registered Sysops only... DOORS.EXE Main Doors module. From here it calls the batch files that actually run the different doorways... MAIN.EXE This is the pivot point of the program. From here, you can go the Text Menu, DataBase, Doors, Voting Booth and EMail routines. MSGAREA.EXE In an attempt to recover some of the speed of the streamlined EBBS-PC that Ed wrote, I have broken the message area out of the MAIN.EXE file and placed the message section it in it's own area. TEXTSECT.EXE Also an attempt to speed things up by placing it in it's own module. SYSOP.EXE This is the central Sysop menu program. Covers all the Sysop functions with the exception of the Userfile Editor and Xfer Editor... SYSOP2.EXE This has a blanket delete for users meeting Sysop defined parameters It is available ONLY locally by the Sysop. SYSOPA.EXE Userfile Editor SYSOPB.EXE Xfer File Editor XFER.EXE All the transfer section BUT the upload utilities. UL.EXE Just the Upload routines... Xfer was just gettin too darned big! VIEWZIP.EXE .ZIP archive viewer/extraction VOTBOOTH.EXE Voting Booth It will also be necessary for you to run CONVERT.EXE file that converts your userfile and XFERFILE.DAT's from the original EBBS version to my new one. MAKE SURE you have: 1) A backup copy of your USERFILE.DAT. The program creates one, but it NEVER hurts to be safe! 2) Place the CONVERT program in the the same directory as your USERFILE.DAT AND your PLUSCFG.DAT file... It NEEDS that file to run! There are 37 fields total in my version: EP's has 27.... You MUST use the convert program or start from scratch with your userfile! I included my Top 10 program for you... It only works with under 400 users tho, so if your userfile is larger than that, we'll have to work on Danny Devoe and see about modding his Hall Of Fame prog to work! :) EBBS Plus v1.97 features all the functions found in EBBS-PC v1.45 and these as well: Function Keys: (ONLY works locally) F1: Pulls user into Chat... This feature is different than EBBS v1.45 in that it also Appends CHAT.LOG if you have that feature enabled. It slates the beginning of each chat with the date and time and the users name.... Also: if no CHAT.LOG exists, it creates one... Keep track of the size of this sucker! It gets REAL big REAL fast! F2: Exits Chat and closes CHAT.LOG if you have that feature enabled.. F3: Jump to Sysop Menu if NOT in one of the Sysop Menu's. If you are IN a Sysop Menu, it will jump to the Main Menu. F7: For updating the User's access level while online. You can change their Message Base level, Xfer level, and Max time. MBLV and XFLV are printed to the userfile at logoff, Max time is temporary. F9: Logs user off with the Logoff screen, updates caller log, etc... Just as a normal logoff except no Leave Sysop Mail prompt. F10: Logs user off and does NOT update caller log, etc... DOES update the Sysop's userfile if you were logged on as the Sysop... ALT-F10: Logs off user and updates NOTHING. Drops system immediately to DOS. Single Keystroke Text Menu Selection: You need to rename your text files as A.TXT, B.TXT, etc... If you want to use a sub-menu (you can have something like 600 text files using this method), use the first letter of the submenu selection and then the letter of it's submenu selection. I.E. If you have a submenu under 'F' in the main text section, all files in that submenu need to begin with a F... FA.TXT, FB.TXT, etc. Another advantage of this Text Menuing is the 'number of reads' counter. I have reserved the last 5 columns of the 75 character max line for a counter for you and your people to keep track of how many folks actually READ each text file. REAL handy if you have a business and have some of your specials saved there! Also helps you to determine which text files are of no interest to your folks and which one's are the 'hot reads' and you should think of getting more text files on those subjects. PLEASE NOTE! This counter works ONLY on the Plus-style Text Menu, NOT the original style! (That's TEXTMENU.DAT instead of TM or TM.ANS) For those of you wishing to use the EBBS (no Plus) version of Text Menu, (filename TM), please note that the Text Menu now supports ANSI. You can make those bright and colorful menu displays. This version does NOT support the counter, however. (no good way to find the end of each line of menu) Move message: Old news, just that there it is simplified: When you select 'V' at the message prompt, you are automatically prompted with the available bases. Userlog Search: Also old news, BUT! I have expanded the search params. This one isn't nearly as fast as EP's, but it DOES do a BUNCH more searching. You can key on the users name, address, city, state or last call date. It is also available in the Sysop section, BUT there you have in addition searching the mblv, xflv, and Computer Type. This search is also available within the User File Editor. View/Extract Files: You can View files directly from the Xfer menu, or JUST prior to DL. If the file is a PKZIPped archive, you can not only view the archive, but can view individual files within the archive (excluding EXE, COM, & OVL files) and extract individual files as well. The routine there updates all the files that are normally updated with the exception of the XFERFILE.DAT file in each xfer section. (Couldn't see updating an entire file when 6 folks just DL'd some small file from within the archive!) AutoPause and Protocal recall: Two of the new userfields I added have the status of the last setting of both these. (I always HATED having to enter the protocol or autopause setting EVERY time I logged on...) PLUSCFG.DAT file: MANY changes there. First and formost, it is no longer called EBBSCFG.DAT! Use a simple text editor to edit the file to your systems paths and requirments. !!!!As I said previously, look it over CAREFULLY!!!! No Charge Xfer Section: I like to encourage my users to use better term programs. There are also files that I feel everyone should have access to. These I place in a No Charge Xfer Section... The user IS charged with the time, but NOT the DL bytes.... It is COMPLETELY configable as to WHERE you want the section and IF you even want it. NOTE: ONLY those with Sysop access can UL to this section! Anonymous Message Base: This you need to use with caution. I have a XXX Writers Corner on my board, and even in LA folks are leery of posting that kinda stuph with their name attached... SO! the users name can be changed, and the time/date stamp is NOT visible except to the sysop locally (security measure... Don't want phreakers posting stuph there without a way to trace it! Password Blanking: ALL passwords are blanked when viewing userfiles remotely. I did this so if someone was looking over my shoulder while I was calling and checking the userfile, it automatically blanks the password of EVERY user. Just a little thing to help keep EBBS hack-free. SYSOPUF.DAT The Sysop now has his/her own private userfile. Makes things SO nice if you just wanna logon once and read/reply to messages without having to do a search and try and figure out where you left off... ANOTHER nice thing about that is that Top 10 doesn't read SYSOPUF.DAT so no matter HOW much you read and reply, you aren't competing with your users if you only read/reply/post from that account. Another reason I had to add it was another feature that I'm explaining next. [username] last called on [date] and has [x] messages waiting: New prompt when you Email a user! (main reason I had to put in the SYSOPUF.DAT :) ) ("That's not a bug! It's a FEATURE!) You might also take my lead with the EMP and EMP.ANS files. That is the file that is for the 'New Commands:' just before the EMail prompt. It gives the user a quick reminder of some of the new EMail functions. 300 to 2400 baud configurable: If you WANT to exclude certain baud rates, simply enter that number in the EBBSCFG.DAT file and you won't have 'em... The modem WILL connect at the lower speed and then tell the user politely that your board doesn't support his baud rate. File Integrity and Virus check: This one is a biggie. You can enable either or both of these options in the config file. Assuming you have both configged, this is what happens: 1) The program after an UL of a ZIP file (ZIP files ONLY at the moment) runs PKUNZIP with the -t switch to test for the file integrity. If there is anything found, it saves the info to a file called ULPROB.LOG (viewable from the Sysop Menu) and stops all updates of files there... The user does NOT give the user credit for the UL. Assuming the file is fine, it then unzipps the prog into whatever you have for a path for the xfer section's 'root' directory. There SHOULD be NOTHING there with the exception of the xfer subdirectories. 2) It then runs McAffee's SCAN program to check for virus'... If none are encountered, it then deletes all the files in that dir and gives the user credit for the upload and updates all the system's files. This takes a few seconds on my 286/12, but don't know just how slow it will be on an XT. You might experiment and see. NOTE: You MUST have PKUNZIP and SCAN in the path! NONE of the files are automatically deleted. I did this so you can check them manually just in case the system was mistaken (not likely) or if there is just ONE small file that the user can UL to complete a corrupted archive. If the system encounters a bad upload, whether it is a virus detection or simply a corrupted archive, it will send mail to the Sysop informing them of the name of the file and it's location. Chat Log: If enabled, it will automatically place CHAT.LOG in the MSGS subdirectory (or whatever you have named the root for the message sections) As soon as you hit F1, the program opens the file for appending and places the users name and date of the chat in a header. If you chat a whole lot, keep track of this bugger! It can get REAL big! :) Guest User (and New User maybe): If you want one, simply add one to your userfiles with 0 message level and any xfer level you want. (Lonnie De Cloedt of El Dorado BBS is a distributor of EEK! Bits. He MUST give access to anyone that calls to those files. I, on the other hand, give the Guest User 0 xfer access) Message level is VERY important, tho. Guest User (you can name it anything you want, just change the 1st entry in the next-to-the-last section of PLUSCFG.DAT) MUST have 0 message access! (I also do that for New Users) You also must set the NUBmblv and NUBxflv in the EBBSCFG.DAT file to reflect what sections you want them to be able to view. The Guest User's file is updated for the Sysop's information, but as far as the system is concerned, each logon is the first of the day. Guest User's can send feedback to the System Operator, but NOT to anyone else. They have no posting or UL/DL privelages (unless you raise their access to do so). They don't even get the OPPORTUNITY to delete their E-Mail, and are automatically kicked into EMail at the appropriate time. I use this as a Guest User Logon Message. EMail: Similar in function to EP's, BUT you can individually select mail to delete or delete all or save all. IF the user chooses to save all their mail or happen to be real popular (like say the System Operator), after their mail has reached 45 pieces or more, the system will ZIP up that mail, add it to the xfer directory specified in the PLUSCFG.DAT file, then send the user mail that informs them their zipped mail is awaiting them in the such-and-such xfer section. It is placed in the XFERFILE.DAT file as a PRIVATE file, so ONLY the System Operator LOCALLY and the user can see the file. IF they let it sit and another batch of mail builds up, the system then zips up that mail, adds it to the file already in the such-and-such xfer section, and sends the user ANOTHER piece of mail... NOW, those of you familiar with the workings of PKZIP already are asking how I did that, since we are talking about duplicate filenames... WELL, the zipped archive is really 2 archives: it first has the users name on it as the outer archive (I.E. BRUCEMUR.ZIP is the zipped mail file), then within that archive is an archive named EMAIL1.ZIP. The system first looks for an archive with the users name sans spaces and if it finds it, unzips it to the XtrScnPath (so named in the PLUSCFG.DAT file) (C:\XFER on my system) then starts counting the EMAIL* files... It then zips up all the users mail and archives it as the next available number. I.E. if there is a EMAIL1.ZIP & EMAIL2.ZIP, then it will save that as EMAIL3.ZIP. Then it sticks the EMAIL3.ZIP file in the XtrScnPath dir and zips up all THAT with the users name again and sticks it in the designated ZIP Email transfer section, sends the user mail telling them that it has been done and where they can find it, and politely asks them to DL it ASAP... Selectable UL extensions: So my users don't have to have a half-dozen different archive extraction programs and more importantly, I don't have to test each and every file for integrity and virus' (besides I'm too lazy to learn the other archive programs :) )... Users with 16383 message level and above are NOT restricted on their UL's... I made it that level and above because I felt that if you trust them enough to give them all but Sysop access, they should be trustworthy enough to not UL nasty stuph... All Private Uploads?: This is configgable so if you want to hide all UL's from the average user until you have the chance to make SURE they aren't pirated software or some such thing, you can. Once again, anyone with 16383 or above access does NOT get the ! placed before the UL's description. Also, anyone with that access can VIEW those files in the UL Log as well... Additionally, if this feature is enabled, the user is informed that their UL bytes will be credited only AFTER the sysop has reviewed and released the upload. That is done REAL simply... Just select edit xfer file in the Sysop menu and the system will prompt you with, "Do you want to remove the private flag and credit users UL bytes?" If you answer Y, it will automajically remove the ! from the front of the first line of the description (that is what masks the UL from view) and updates the users file... No calculators needed! :) Transfer log: Anyone with 16383 or greater access can see the 'T'ransfer log. HOWEVER, if there is a xfer section those folks DON'T have access to, they don't get to see those entries, just as with the UL log. Max Time: Users now get individual max time limits. Default is whatever you have in the config file. It is changable right from the userfile editor in the sysop menu. User Age and Computer Type: User Age and Computer Type are 2 new questions a user is asked when they logon for the first time. Also, they are given the chance to change their age and computer type as well as password from the 'P' command in the Main Menu. Computer type is configgable in the PLUSCFG.DAT file... I have a wide variety in my version, but you can change them to whatever you want... Logon/Logoff message: There is a HORRIBLE wait while the modem waits to get a good connect from HST modems. (it DOES NOT support 9600 baud: HST's just need that time to cycle DOWN to 2400). I added a little prompt at the head of the program so that users can have something to read while waiting. I run MURF.COM and MURFIE.EXE and make a file for each so that at logon and logoff there is a different message displayed. If you define a program and file in the config file, you CANNOT just save a text file as that name and expect it to be there more than once: as soon as the user logs off, that file is deleted! There are MANY progs out there that generate little one-liners that work real well for this purpose. Snippet is one besides the two I mentioned. Just tag in the filenames and the output filename and the program will do the rest (easier than a batch file!). You can enable either or both from the config file as well. LAN stuph: I recently purchased LANz from Artisoft. It's a parallel/serial/modem version of the SUPERB LANtastic Ethernet Local Area Network. I have my BBS computer and my non-BBS computer linked and run EBBS on my non-BBS computer so the board can stay up while I read my mail and run through the message base and all that kinda stuph without busying out the board. Can do all that too while a user is online! Have even updated the BBS software while a user is online! (Glen Jones from The Riverboat Adventure BBS and I spent almost 2 hours online one night perfecting some software stuph for the File View/Extract feature. I'd pull him into chat and he'd go have a cig while I would do an update then he'd go check it out... Just make sure the user isn't in THAT module and you haven't changed the COMMON.BAS file and you can do that kinda stuph all night!) Anywho, the whole point of this is that if you have the LAN enabled, you can do stuph like sending a user mail while they are online and then the program will write a flag file on the BBS HD and every time the time prompt appears, it looks at the harddrive for that flag (also looks for the user update flag at that time too: flag file has new mblv and xflv and Max time info in it tho) If the flag appears, the flag is wiped, then the user will be prompted the next 3 times they see the time prompt. LAN note: You ONLY want to enable the LAN on the LANned computer, not on the BBS proper. It will NOT update the logon and logoff messages, and will give you the 'Do you wish to send a flag to the user online now?' prompt every time you reply or send mail... Also when you upgrade a users access while they are online (from the userfile editor: not from the F7 key) you will be prompted with 'Do you want to upgrade users access now?'... Another thing to remember: the system will display the amount of HD space free.. I found that if you enable that feature from the LANned computer, it takes a LONG time for the system to give you the 'Waiting For Call' screen on the LANned computer... Of course, that is using a Parallel LAN setup: ethernet versions should work fine with that enabled. Database: (Registered Version ONLY!) Just as with the Text Section, you have the option of 2 different styles of menus. I included an example of my DBSEMENU.DAT (menu file) and a sample database (B.DBF). The Database simply reads a single line of 75 characters or less and searches for a string that matches the one inputted. If found, it prints it to the screen... Simple but it works great... EASY to edit the .DBF files too! ONE MAJOR POINT! ALL database files MUST end with the .DBF extension. Keep in mind the file you use for a database must be a simple ASCII file. Suggested use: I'm using it for Swap Meet Dates and Area BBS'... Business' could make use of this database by putting their products and prices in as entries and the user could just punch up the item they are looking for and there it would be... Not REAL good if you want a detailed description of a system, for instance, but if you have a lot of extra add-on goodies you want to sell, it would work great! For example, one line of entry in the PRICELST.DBF database file could be: Connor 120M IDE $120 or, Connor 120M IDE HD 3.5" complete with 5.25" mounting kit: $120.00 Wishful thinking, eh? :) Anywho, that could be how you could list your inventory for the users to scan for info... You could even just break it down into sections, like Hard Drives would be Database A, VGA monitors in Database B, etc... A Final Couple Notes: I included a text file called NEWSTUPH.TXT and HISTORY.TXT that was originally written for my local Beta testers... Full of valuable info on the revisions/mods... Take a peek at it..... As is normal with EBBS, the docs are kinda skimpy. Mostly what you need to know is where the ? is on your keyboard: have revised all my menus to correctly show what is available selection-wise. The ONLY thing that is NOT on the menu is how to get to SYSOP2... When you are in the Sysop Menu, simply hit 2 and you're there... This program has been run on 386's of varying speeds, 286-12mHz, 286-16mHz, and a 4.77mHz XT.. It's a bit sluggish on the XT, but runs with only the tiniest of pauses on the AT's. Both 286-12's are using IDE HD's, the -16 has a MFM controller. I'd like to take this time to thank a few people. First, and absolutely most important, I'd like to thank my lovely wife Kathi and my son, 'The Monkey', Robbie for their patience while I was glued to my computer those many months and barely aware of their existence... Ed Parry, who has been VERY patient with me... :) His program's sweet and simple beginnings has inspired me to get crazy and add a zillion things to yet maintain that simplicity of use for both the Sysop and the user... Lonnie De Cloedt and Glen Jones, my beta testers. They have feverishly tried to keep up with all the mods/fixes all along.... Dave Allen, who along with Lonnie and Glen have provided me with MANY valuable ideas for modifications.... Brian Bettger and Wayne and Mark Blythe, my first two registered sysops... They have been a great source of suggestions on how to deal with the simplifing the setup of the program and making things easier for the Sysop just starting out with EBBS Plus... When you are as intimate with the program as myself and my beta testers, you just loose perspective... Dennis Brunner, whom I've never met, but has given me many ideas from his work on a version of EBBS he did for Lonnie on El Dorado BBS... I suppose in a way, I should thank the writers of PCBoard, WWIV, Telegard, and DLX as well.... Many of the features in this program can be found on these boards... I simply wrote the program to use those features, but in my own way... NONE OF THE CODE CAME FROM ANY SOURCE OTHER THAN MY OWN MIND AND ED PARRY! And last but not least, my users, whom have been VERY patient through all the bugs and errors along the way... They have been beta testers as well without knowing... :) Thanks again for looking over this program... It has taken me MANY hours/weeks/months of to complete and debug. Bruce